The Mother Of All Inside Jobs

Unpresedented Dust

Dust never seen before in the History of Demolision

                                                     The Mother Of All Inside Jobs

Policemen, firemen and hundred of witnesses fleeing from New York's Twin Towers saw, felt and heard explosions.
These explosions were recorded on video, photographed and backed up by recorded testimony.
All of these witnesses were ignored by The 9/11 Commission Report.

Before and after 9/11 no steel building has ever been turned into eighty-percent dust by demolition. To suggest this was caused by a jet-fuel-fire is more than simply childish.
Fires, including fuel fires, have burned for days in steel tower buildings without ever coming anywhere near the melting point of steel.

The scientific history of skyscrapers and high rise buildings, available on the Internet, shows that not one single skyscraper or high rise building has ever been reduced to twenty percent of its original weight by any known demolition process.
The evidence suggests this dust was created by a hitherto unknown type of laser triggered explosive that had to be placed in the WTC well in advance. This could not have been achieved by the religious fanatic Osama bin Laden and his brain-dead-boot-camp-terrorists in Afghanistan.
It is now known that Mr Bush had authorized fifteen War Games to be in play on the morning of 9/11. This was done to stop normal American Air Defense procedures intercepting the alleged hi-jacks. The planned lack of air defense, the illegal destruction of physical evidence at ground zero, and the now admitted cover-up by the 9/11 Commissioners can only mean 9/11 was planned and perpetrated by the US "government".  more