Demolision: New Techniques

Chemical Laser Destruction

80% of the Twin Towers was turned into dust
 There can be little doubt President Bush’s “greatest achievement” was sitting on his arse while 3,000 people were burnt to death in the Twin Towers. No other world leader in the history of planet Earth has ever been so “cool” while their country was being attacked

The President Of 9/11

Mr Bush Junior, "Dubya," like his father, proved himself an exceptionally gifted, profoundly vile and repulsive, pathological fucking liar. Only the outstandingly-feeble-minded could believe him when he said a gang of suicidal misfits took-over four passenger jets and roamed around American sky's unchallenged by America's multi-trillion-Dollar air defence system. Ten-year-old reader's of the Harry Potter books will very soon dismiss the rest of Dubya's monstrous lies laid out in the official 9/11 Commission Report and conclude:
On the morning of September 11, 2001 Mr Bush and his accomplices switched-off American air defence to allow Black-Ops to electronically hijack American airliners. Remote controlled look-a-likes were used to make it appear that two airliners had been flown into the Twin Towers by foreign misfits.  

Had the 9/11 plan gone smoothly, Messer's Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld would have murdered 50,000 innocent people, not just 3,000, on September 11, 2001. Martial Law (and the end of Presidential elections) would have been declared before dusk. 
In February 2008 Mr Bush cut 77 percent of his promised help for 9/11 first responders - from $108 Mllion to $25 Mllion. These were the men and women he grandstanded in the weeks following 9/11 praising them as "true American Hero’s". By September 2008, Mr Bush had authorized over $7 Billion Tax Dollars to be paid out to silence those 9/11 victims and eye-witnesses who were willing to sign their Human Rights away. They got their money by signing away their right to sue the Bush administration and their right to sue the airlines. The 9/11 victims families that constantly ask for a proper legal trial, not a Commission of paid liars, to find out who stood down NORAD have not been given any recourse to any kind of trial.  Mr Bush gave another $15 Billion Tax Dollars to the airlines for “loss of business and new security measures”.   

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